Speaker Name
Matthew Asbrey
Head of Culture
Homerton University Hospitals
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Ruth Colville
Senior Project Manager
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Juliette Cosgrove
Chief Nurse and Director of Clinical Governance
NHS Professionals
Speaker Name
Anton Emmanuel
Interim Head of Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Speaker Name
Marie Gabriel CBE
Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust, North East London Integrated Care System and NHS Race and Health Observatory
Speaker Name
Dr Helgi Johannsson
Consultant - Anaesthesia
Imperial College Healthcare
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Stacy Johnson MBE
Associate Professor
The University of Nottingham
Speaker Name
Minnie Klepacz
BAME Network Lead
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust
Speaker Name
Charlie Massey
Chief Executive and Registrar
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Nicola McQueen
Chief Executive Officer
NHS Professionals
Speaker Name
Diane Palmer
Lead Nurse (Corporate Services) for Trauma Informed Care and Military Veterans Mental Health
Norfolk and Suffolk FT
Speaker Name
Sonia Patel
Chief Information Officer
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Dr Ayesha Rahim
Chief Clinical Information Officer/ Deputy Medical Director
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
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Laura Smith
Director or Workforce, OD and System Development
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Leeds GP Confederation
Speaker Name
Thea Stein
Chief Executive
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
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Jenny Vaughan
Vice-Chair and ‘Learn Not Blame’ Lead
The Doctor’s Association UK
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Crishni Waring
Trust Chair
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS FT
Speaker Name
Rob Webster CBE
Chief Executive and Lead Chief Executive,
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and West Yorkshire and Harrogate ICS
Speaker Name
Nicole Williams
Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Deputy Director of Organisational Development and Engagement, Wrightington
Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust